This first picture gives a pretty broad perspective of the room. My feet are in a large rubberband to help prevent me from moving and I am in a hospital gown because I am undressed from the waist up. A light comes out of the piece of machinery above me that they use to line up with my tattoos. Yes, I am the proud owner of two new tattoos. They are small and located in the middle of my chest.
Once I am lined up the tech leaves the room and a bunch of clicking and zapping occurs. The machinery rotates around the table a couple of times as the treatment is given.
As I've described with such endearing and affectionate terms is an upclose and personal shot of The Mask. Although it may look soft and pliable it is in fact solid plastic. Once I am lined up and in place, they use the bindings on the sides of my head to lock me into place. This is me in my "happy place" or atleast that's what I tell myself.
So, as I said before, only 3 more times of this lovely gig and I'm done. The Mask will be mine when I am finished and I'm debating whether I should keep it or crush it to pieces! :)