Thursday I had a bone marrow biopsy. Not fun. The procedure left me very sore and grateful for my previous medical teams. In the immediate days after the surgery it felt like I had taken a 2x4 strike right across my low back. The soreness is still there but not nearly as bad. The staff at the surgery center lacked personalities and the one crazy nurse who had a personality I could have done without. The whole story would take too long to type but it involved Gabi being scolded for leaving the premises and me telling the surgeon, "You're the worst massage therapist EVER!" right before I went under. Note to self: insult the medical staff after the surgery is done!
Friday I met with the surgeon who will place the portacath in my chest. It was a quick consultation to explain the procedure (I'll be under anesthesia so he wanted to meet me and answer questions beforehand).
Over the weekend I watched the son of my co-worker play in a baseball tournament and took his youngest son on a movie date. Kids are the best medicine. I loved that the biggest decision of the night involved root beer and gummy bears. My Mom flew in on Sunday night and it is nice having her here. She is getting a crash course in hospital and cancer center visits but I know she is sleeping better now that she can be with me at the appointments and soak up some sunshine while I'm at work.
Monday I had the MRI on my brain. After having my head strapped into a brace and a football helmet type apparatus placed over my face the MRI began. The best description I can give is that it sounds like a woodpecker trying to escape a video game by using a jackhammer. Yeah, and that was with ear plugs in.
Today I had the full-body PET scan. I was taken into a small, sterile room where the radioactive tracer was injected into my hand. The nurse dimmed the lights, closed the door and I spent the next 45 minutes in a comfy recliner trying not to move. I managed to pull that off by taking a little nap. After the 45 minutes were up I moved into the scanner and spent the next 30 minutes having the table I was laying on moved in and out of the scanner. Again, I was not to move so I dozed off. The only time I woke up was when "Waterfalls" by TLC came on the radio. What does that song even mean?!?!
Over the past few days I came up with an action plan for my hair. It seems that hair loss is a very strong possibility and the oncology nurse suggested I think about it sooner rather than later so tonight I got my haircut. I have been growing my hair out in order to donate to Locks of Love again and by cutting it very short I was able to hit the required length of 10" before I started chemo. It's pretty short but it will make the transition easier for me. I will deal with hair thinning/loss when it happens but for my own sanity I know I was able to help a child with cancer. Donating means so much more to me this time.
Tomorrow I have the echocardiogram and pulmonary function test and Thursday is the Portacath surgery. My brother will be here for the weekend and I am looking forward to some good laughs and a baseball game with him.
Overall, I am doing well. Physically I have no symptoms and I believe that helps my mental state as well. Having so many appointments also helps keep my mind focused on my day to day activities rather than the big scary thoughts that can consume me in a matter of minutes.
Please pray for smooth sailing at the tests tomorrow and a successful surgery on Thursday. Thank you all for your love and support.
Glad you got it set up and with the name we were hoping for. Thank you for the details! Your ADD/memory loss friend appreciates it. Praying for you always! I love you :) Tosh
hey cuz..........
love the name of your blog!
What you've done with your hair is wonderful.....Locks of Love will truly appreciate your donation!
Keep on smilin and laughing.........
love you,
T. :)
Jen, glad you still have your humor. Klaira told me to tell you not to cuss at the doctors. She kinda has a problem with that. Kambelle said a prayer for you and told the fairy princesses to watch over you and give you sparkles. Don't know what the sparkles will do but maybe they have something in them. :). Stay strong, be brave and believe. I am here and praying for you.
Hey Jen - very cool blog - I'm thinking you may get back to the medical field as a career in your future, then you can insult the medical staff! Keep doing the butterfly (swimming) - LOVE - Barb
So glad you got this blog up & running! Just keep swimming is perfect :)
The PET scan sounds so science fictiony, crazy! Glad it was better than the bone test- yikes!
Thinking & praying for you always, xo- allisa (and fam)
I remember when Becky had a port put in and some of the subsequent visits for her chemo treatments. We met a lot of people - some who had the best personalities and blessed us with smiles and jokes when it seemed like it should have been a somber trip. Try not to hit on all the cute little old men! ;) Lots of love and prayers to you! Christina
I would have totally picked root beer.
And surgery nurses can certainly be the scariest...don't ever feel like you can't voice your opinion or raise concerns. And do a patient satisfaction survey...often times bonuses are based on those!
Just keep swimming, Jen! I'll be following your journey!
Wow, Jen! Thanks for allowing us to come along side you in this way! You amaze me. Praying for you right now...let us know how the surgery went.
Love you
Tosh-This should help with your visual reference needs! Thanks for the love.
Toni-Hey cuz, I'm still smilin' :)
Natasha-Tell Klaira I try my best not to cuss and tell Kambelle I'll take all the sparkles I can get! Thanks for always thinking of me.
Barb-Medical field again? No way. And just an fyi - the doggie paddle seems to be my best stroke!
Allisa-The PET scan is a bit Star Trekish! Thank you for the thoughts, prayers and everything else you (and Mark and Jack) have done.
Christina-There are plenty of old men to hit on but I tried to be on my best behavior (atleast for the first treatment!).
Kathy-Pretty sure my patient survey will be discussed because I was brutally honest. Thanks for the support on my journey.
Molly-I don't know what I'd do without family and friends to share this journey with. Thank you for always praying.
Jen, How wonderful it is that you consider kids the best medicine. What an awesome & refreshing statement. You are a gifted writer & I am blessed to have stumbled upon your blog. Thank you for sharing your journey. Prayers coming from Portland. :)
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