Sunday, March 27, 2011

Riding the Wave

I'm glad last week is over. Monday and Tuesday were better than I anticipated but Wednesday and Thursday didn't live up to my expectations. I did manage to work both Wednesday and Thursday but the nausea was ever present. I learned the hard lesson that I can no longer lay in bed until the last minute and then jump up and move fast. I thought I was going to toss my cookies two minutes into my shower on Wednesday. Thursday I laid in bed and ate saltines before my feet hit the floor and the morning went much smoother. My Mom related it to morning sickness. I am adding pregnant women to the list of people I'll never again make fun of.

Friday was wig day. A day I neither looked forward to nor dreaded. It was a bit surreal. Wigs have come a long way but the idea still kinda creeps me out. Anyway, I did it. There were some good laughs. The final decision has not been made because I am waiting for one to be shipped but by the end of next week I'll be the proud owner of a hair prosthesis. Don't be jealous.

My best Reba.

My Mom's 'do circa 1985.

Hello, welcome to Wal-Mart.

Cousin It.

Yesterday was my Mom's last day down here after two weeks. We spent the day soaking up the sun at Tempe Town Lake and Marketplace. We bought a couple hats because although I'm getting a wig I'm thinking bald is more my style. Saying goodbye is never easy but we managed to do it without causing too much of a scene! I am glad my Mom was down here to be with me for my first treatment and I know she feels the same. There's definitely a comfort that only a Mom can bring.

Me and the madre.

Today I am getting myself organized and back in routine for my "good" week. I see Dr. K2 on Tuesday and have bloodwork on Friday but other than that I am free of medical appointments - yay! My Dad will be here on Friday and will be with me at my second treatment next Monday. I am looking forward to spending time with him (although I'm not looking forward to hearing about how he beat me in March Madness).

Thank you all so much for everything. Seriously. I have been blessed with a great support group and receiving the cards, gifts, flowers and paintings (courtesy of a special little boy named Jack) always puts a smile on my face. Please pray for the medical staff that is taking care of me. They are amazing people that do amazing work. I had another opportunity to speak with the family of a former patient of Dr. K2's and I know that I am receiving the best care.


Molly Nemecek said...

Can you get one for every day of the week?!?! Its just too hard to decide!! You are beautiful in every way Jen and that will NEVER change no matter what kind of rug you put on your cabesa!

Anonymous said...

These pictures are AWESOME!!! I love them. I may need to scrapbook them. I heart your mom. Just seeing the picture of her made me smile...oh and you of course :) I'm a fan of the cute cut. I think I'll be a fan of the bald head, the Wal-mart wig, or whatever you choose though. Why? Because I love you!!!
:) Tosh

Anonymous said...

I so love the wig photos, especially the one with you and your both mean so much to me! I love the idea of a bald know you'll 'rock'it! Keep on swimmin cuz.....
love ya lots,
T :)

Jen Morris said...

Molly - This cabesa may be bald for most of it. I read in one of my cancer books "Bald is beautiful" and I'm going with that!

Tosh - I'll get the Wal-Mart wig just for a trip to the big EP store. Will you go with me? Love you.

T - I'll definitely rock the baldy. I'm swimmin' hard. Love you too!

Mrs. Magula said...

Ba ha ha ha ha ha, Welcome to Walmart. You are something else!!! Lovin your sense of humor, thank you for sharing!!!!!!!!!