This week has been good. I have no complaints and several things to be thankful for. I met with Dr. K2 on Tuesday to go over how I handled the first treatment and he was very happy to hear my report. He checked my ears and it turns out I have fluid in both and that was the cause of the gnarly pain last week. We will monitor the pain after my next treatment and go from there.
I went to my Women's Bible Study last night for the first time in a few weeks and it was great to be back. It's amazing to me what comfort I find in a group of women that I barely know. I am so thankful for their support and prayers, they are a great group of ladies. I am composing a post specifically about last night's study and will share my thoughts when I'm done.
I have received several gifts in the mail over the past month and am grateful for each one. The generosity people have shown me through flowers, food, music, money and books has been overwhelming. "Thank you" never seems like enough but it's what I got sooooo - THANK YOU!
I have had an internal battle over the last week about working out. Part of me was scared, part of me was anxious and part of me just wanted to get a good sweat on. Today I got my sweat on. For the first time in several months I found myself back in Bikram Yoga. If you have never attended a Bikram Yoga class just know that the room is kept at a temperature of around 105 with 40% humidity. You sweat. Alot. I couldn't do all of the poses (partly because of my endurance level and partly because of the various aches and pains I've acquired over the past month). It felt great to stretch and loosen up the scar tissue in my neck. It didn't feel so great trying to do some of the floor poses because of the Power Port. My goal was to stay in the room for the entire 90 minutes. Mission accomplished.
Tomorrow I have to get blood drawn, pick up my wig and pick up my Dad. I'm looking forward to them in the same order - good, better, best! The weather will be beautiful this weekend and I can't wait to spend some time with my Dad at the Hilton pool. I think I feel a cannonball coming on!
Please continue to pray for restful sleep and also that my second treatment goes as well as the first. Thank you all so much!
(By the way, if you scroll to some of the other posts I added pictures - enjoy!)
Jenn, the photos are incredible. You are beautiful inside and out. Thanks for making me bawl my eyes out. I love you, girl!!
Sally, thank you for your message. I miss our jokes and laughs in the call center. Don't miss that place but miss you and Barb! We have a pretty big Harley-Davidson store up the street from my house and I think of you and Jim every time I pass - you're so hardcore now! Miss and love you, Jen
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