Friday, April 22, 2011

The Third Time is NOT a Charm

Seriously. This chemo treatment kicked my butt, took my name and then kept on kicking. I experienced more hot flashes, finger tingling, nasty taste in my mouth moments than the other two treatments combined and the best part was at any given second over the past 3-4 days I felt like I could hurl. You know it's bad when you're planning an escape route or trying to determine who would be the least offended if you threw up on them (thankfully the lady in front of me at Walgreens doesn't even know she drew the short stick!).

Monday's post was the peak of my positive thoughts for the week. I am thankful I have both arms. I am not thankful for nausea and fluid in my ears. I told my Dad it's like having a horrible hangover (ssshhh...I know it's shocking I know what that feels like!) and I didn't even get the party beforehand. And the fluid in my ears? Best described as walking around with my head in a fishbowl, sloshing around with every move.

I met with Dr. K2 before my treatment so we could discuss my labs and ears. After the last treatment we had opted to skip the Neulasta shot because my white blood cell count was good. This time my white blood cell count was down (not to a dangerous level, just down) so I received the shot on Tuesday. Dr. K2 feels that because my white blood cell count was down it could have been a contributing factor to my ear pain. I do not have an infection but it's possible my body wasn't able to "fight off" the fluid like it would under ideal circumstances. Before I received my chemo I had an i.v. of antibiotics and am currently on a 7 day dose of horse pills to help with my ears. I am not experiencing pain, which I'm happy for, it's more of an annoyance - like I went deep sea diving and came up with half of the ocean in my ears. I am learning to ignore it. I am also happy to report that my nurse, Shirley, was back for this treatment and was able to access my port on the first jab! Success! Now I know why people want them. I was not convinced prior to this treatment.

I laid low all day Tuesday and most of Wednesday. By Wednesday afternoon I was feeling like I needed to move. A walk seemed like a good idea. It was 90+ degrees outside so I opted to drive up the street to the mall so I could walk in the air conditioning. If you see me on the news on one of those grainy surveillance camera videos, just ignore it. I'm pretty sure I raised all possible red flags for the mall security in a matter of minutes. I walked into Macy's and proceeded to experience a killer hot flash. One that left my hair soaked and me looking around anxiously, hoping no one else saw what was happening. After the internal furnace eased up I made it past the jewelry section and into the main mall. I walked down three stores, did a 180 and headed back into Macy's. I needed to get the heck out of there. I felt the nausea wave hitting and I wanted out. One problem. I forgot which door I came in. The hot flash caused memory loss. I wandered around Macy's for way too long and finally remembered where I came in. In and out of the mall in 20 minutes max. It's safe to say I won't be going for a "walk" there anytime soon.

Yesterday I managed to make it into the office for a few hours then came home and took an awesome nap. After my nap I headed over to my pulmonologist's office (Dr. K1). She was back from maternity leave this week and wanted to see me. Her receptionist, Susan, greeted me with a big hug. Dr. K1 also greeted me with a hug and got a little teary-eyed during our visit. I appreciated her concern and the conversation we had. She shared about her and Dr. S's conversations and how they were both shocked/sad with my diagnosis. And that Dr. S was texting her at 3 a.m. the day of my surgery! I told her I am extremely grateful for their care and I am completely aware that had they not followed their gut with each biopsy it's quite possible I'd be walking around right now not knowing cancer was brewing inside of me.

Today is what I like to call The Best Friday. It's not only Good Friday but it's also a day that the stock market is closed which means I don't have to work...The Best Friday! I'm taking it slow, catching up on my thank you notes and enjoying some of the best watermelon ever (thanks Gabi!).


Anonymous said...

Poor lady at Walgreens! Sounds like a lot of close calls this go around. Praying the fourth treatment treats you kinder than the third. Enjoy your good week. Wish I were there to enjoy it with you :)

Molly Nemecek said...

Still praying for you Jen! Your stories of courage and honesty are so touching. You really have a gift. Wish I could've taken that walk through Macy's with you. Just one more treatment, right? You can do this Jen and where you are weak~Christ is made ever more strong!
Love you
By the way, malls are WAY over rated and soooo 7th grade. That was probably part of the problem...just sayin'! J/K!

Anonymous said...

So glad yiu're feeling better:) I love you so much, and I don't like fishbowls very much!!

Hillary said...

Keep rocking your way through this, Jen!! I'm glad you have such great support through your medical team and your fam & friends. Maybe we should make you a mall-walking shirt that will notify people of the circumstances, just in case you decide to go back :-)