Well, the time finally came. On Sunday May 1st, exactly 2 months after my diagnosis, I decided it was time for my hair to go. I lasted longer than most people with this chemo cocktail and according to my oncologist and nurse it's because I have never dyed my hair and don't use a hair dryer. So being boring and lazy in the mornings bought me a little extra time with my hair. I used to joke about my hair bugging me and threatening to shave it off. That's a funny joke until it's not really a choice anymore. Well, it was still a choice but I chose to end finding crazy amounts of hair on my pillows, in my shower and on my desk. I could have maintained a killer rug like The Donald but that's just wrong. I never realized how emotional the decision to shave my head would be but it was. When it comes down to it the part that bugged me most was 'people would know'. They would know something was wrong with me. I didn't like that thought but I worked through the final steps all day Sunday and by the evening I was ready to do it. My roommate, Gabi, did it for me. After a brief moment of us both realizing what we were actually doing and why, we swallowed back a few tears and went for it. And had fun with it. We left a mohawk and Monday morning she colored it orange (go Beavs!) and I headed off to work in hopes of receiving my pink slip! My friend (and boss) Theresa had a great reaction but said 'No way!' to firing me. Dang (just kidding). I sported the 'hawk to our CPA's office and out to lunch then covered it up when I went to treatment. I didn't want to minimize the way some people feel about losing their hair nor make a scene so I wore a bandana. When I got home I did my best G.I. Jane and shaved my head clean. It was kind of liberating and powerful. Today I went back to the cancer center for a shot and I went in as G.I. Jen. I figured that was the safest place for my first time and I was right. No one cared. I was feeling so good about it that I stopped at Target on my way home. Sure I got a few looks but nothing I can't handle. G.I. Jen is in full force!

The Donald.

The drunk Donald.

Getting down to business.

Gabi made me wear a garbage bag. She's a professional :)

My hair has some crazy natural wave/curls.

The mushroom top.

The 'Hawk.

Seek happiness.

Being a punk rocker takes alot of time and effort!

G.I. Jen. Camo and all.
You AMAZE me. I knew you would have a pretty head! I heart you GI Jen :)
LOVE the hawk! I wish I coulda seen it in person! The GI Jen look is rad, too! Bald is beautiful. Wear it proud!
I am so proud of you :) These photos are incredible (how in the heck did you make it pink?!)
GI Jen is my hero!
I'm proud to say, G.I.Jen is my hero. I have another hero, my sister Robin.
You're both two of the strongest, fearless women I know fighting cancer. I love you. Enough said.
oh by the way....love, LOVE, L-O-V-E your new 'hair' and all the looks in between!!!!!!!!!!
You're beautiful :)
Wow Jen..as hard as it is to see these pics of you..you continue to inspire me every day. You are so strong and brave and I am so very proud of you. God has a special plan for your life and made you a very special woman inside and out..I love you!
I totally agree with everyone who knows and loves you, you are an amazing woman! How did I get so lucky as to know someone so strong, brave and COOL??!!
GORGEOUS!! How could anyone see anything passed that amazing smile of yours!?!? You're amazing Jen and you have journeyed this season of your life with great courage and faith! Love you always~
Thanks for the great comments gang. The no hair look is 'growing' on me -ha!
Perfectly shaped head you've got there, and a beautiful smile to boot!!! Seek happiness...love it. I can only imagine the courage it took to take that step. Glad you had professional assistance!
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