My friend, Micah, and her husband, Mark, made the gorgeous (or not so gorgeous) drive from New Mexico. We had a relaxing weekend that included shopping, talking and a Diamondbacks/Cubs game. I wore my DBacks shirt, Mark wore his Cubs shirt and Micah played neutral. Micah and I have been friends since our college years and I can always count on her for sweet words (and she gives the most thoughtful gifts!). Thanks for visiting Micah and Mark! Go Dbacks! Right, Mark?

This is my Aunt Kim. I like to call her Billy Ray. We had a blast hanging out in Tucson for a weekend and kept ourselves entertained by modeling my wig. Our neighbors at the hotel were probably wondering what the heck was happening when we were doing our photoshoot with self timers. I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. I have the best aunts in the world. Seriously, you should read some of the text messages we exchange. We're really mature. I love you Billy Ray!

My friend, Molly, was in town for her brothers wedding and it just so happens I live just a few miles from him so I got to steal her away for some great talks. Molly and I have been friends since high school. Over fourteen years. Crazy! Molly has a way of using a trying time in her life to relate to others and uses that relationship to build faith and offer hope, so inspiring. Molly and I shared a great breakfast at "The Farm" where Molly finally believed me that there is greenery in Arizona! Thank you for the talks Molly!

This weekend my brother joined me from San Diego for my little three day staycation. We stayed at Squaw Peak Resort and had fun floating the lazy river, watching movies and laughing. My brother is one of the funniest people I know (when I'm in the mood to listen!) and can also be so encouraging. We got up on Sunday morning to hike Squaw Peak and I quickly got frustrated with my lack of endurance and the nasty chemo taste in my mouth but he talked me up part of the mountain. I enjoyed our time together and the laughs we shared. Thanks for the visit, Jerm!
Tomorrow I head in for treatment #6. My stomach turns a little bit just thinking about it but I can't wait to say I'm done with Round 3.
It makes me happy to know you have been passing the weekends in good company! Hoping the girls and I get to add to your weekends of fun :)
I don't have any real words to say, just that I love seeing your beautiful smile! You are AMAZING, and your attitude is nothing short of inspirational. HOORAY for close to done with Round 3!!!
Love, Hans
Jen, So glad you've had some good visits from loved ones! Hard to believe your brother is funnier than you! Take care Teri
Such great smiles in each of those pictures!
Sending you big hugs Jen...Love you girl...
Tosh - I loved having you and the girls here. Kids are the best medicine.
Hans - Thanks for the comment. I'm doing the best I can.
Teri - I do have a great group of friends and family. And believe it or not, on a good day my brother might be a little more funny than me!
Megan - I love to smile :)
Sally - I can't wait for a real hug. Love you too, Lady.
Yeah! Holla to my nads sistas in that photo, you guys are awesome and neither of you look a day over 18! :)
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